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A wickedly cool demon guy who is the son of Mephisto in the Marvel Universe. He is really tall, has spikes on his head, and can kick serious butt. He also kills his dad at the end of Marvel Super Heroes.

by The Wraith October 5, 2003

11πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


Where The Wraith takes all the good juggalos go after they die. The oppisite of hell's pit.

I wanna go to Shangri-la after I die :D

by The Wraith March 5, 2005

109πŸ‘ 162πŸ‘Ž


Media produced zombies who make fun of people that are different because there puiny minds cannot comprehend indivuality.
Most likely will bring the downfall of man unless someone does something.
Out of all of the social groups such as goths, punks, and emos, these are the worst of all. (true punks and goths are allright, just most that proclaim to be one, arent, and dont even know the true meaning of punk or gothic)

Those dumb bitches at your school that wear mostly pink and talk about how much cock they sucked last night.

by The Wraith April 21, 2005

16πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž

ocean depths

One of the most mysterious places on the planet, if not the most mysterious. It hasn't been explored too much, so many undiscovered creatures probably live there.

One kind of recently discovered creature from the ocean depths is a giant squid.

by The Wraith October 14, 2003

9πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


A really cool evil knight guy in the Soulcalibur games.

by The Wraith October 5, 2003

24πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž


The coolest Barbarian in the Diablo Universe. He can really kill stuff fast with his two huge swords and high level Bash technique.

Crunk SMASH!!!!!!!!!--A line often uttered by Mick as he kills stuff.

by The Wraith October 5, 2003

8πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž


a small, light club used for knocking people out

by The Wraith November 6, 2003

322πŸ‘ 246πŸ‘Ž