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Wankmongering Twatfish

Used to insult a person with whom you have a severe dislike.

Rob lyons: hey
Me: you sir, are a wankmongering twatfish
Rob: hhuuuuurrrrrgggghhhh

by The muchos Legendarios Carlo October 3, 2003

22👍 7👎

tramp rash

A term used to describe any kind of unknown rash on a person you dislike.

Me: Ya seen Jon recently
Ash: Nah, how is he?
Me: he got tramp rash off his munter bird

by The muchos Legendarios Carlo October 3, 2003

2👍 15👎

would you like a spoon

said to someone for purposes of randomosity. Would you like a spoon is a completely random comment used to confuse people to death.

Me:alrite mate
someone: Alrite, how ya doin?
Me: Im alrite thanks, would you like a spoon?
Someone: Blarg i am dead

by The muchos Legendarios Carlo October 3, 2003

11👍 12👎

minge doctor

A geinocologist (or however its spelt)

Jons mum:ooh i got an awful rash off that random guy
Davids mum: ooh really?
Jons mum: yeh ive got an appointment with the minge doctor

by The muchos Legendarios Carlo October 3, 2003

7👍 12👎