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Egot (Alternatively: Igot) is a Filipino slang term derived from the word igorot. Igorot refers to the mountainous peoples of the Philippines. The term egot usually denotes one of dark skin tone and is commonly used in the states by Filipinos to refer to one of African descent.

Some egots broke into Tito Bernies store again.

by The one pinoy to rule them all! May 16, 2004

350👍 156👎


Tagalog (Filipino) for older female relative or peer. Pronounced A-teh. Can be used preceding a name as a title or as a pronoun.

Mama! That boy keeps poking Ate Michelle!

by The one pinoy to rule them all! May 16, 2004

542👍 120👎


Lola is a Tagalog (Filipino) title that is used before ones name or as the name to denote the status of a grandmother. Lola is also used to refer to any female friend or accquaintance generally over the age of 55 regardeless of relationship.

Lola Tuding gave me $200 for my birthday! My friend's grandma is so cool.

by The one pinoy to rule them all! May 16, 2004

374👍 291👎