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Someone who deviates from the mainstream and prides themself in being "hip." Hipsters enjoy anything that is independent or "indie" such as, indie music, indie films, and even indie clothing. They prefer skin tight jeans, ironic t shirts, thick framed glasses that are not necessarily necessary, scarves, wool coats, wool sweaters with patterns you are likely to find on optical illiusions, and various other items. A tell-tale sign that one is a hipster is when they are confronted of being a hipster, they deny it like Don Draper denies cheating on Betty Draper. To a Hipster, even being called a hipster is too mainstream and is as offensive to them as saying, "Mary is a whore," is to a devout Christian. You can expect to find hipsters in various places such as YouTube commenting on popular music videos, saying, "This is too mainstream, Bad Books is so much better," Victorian neighberhoods driving Fiats, and almost everywhere. The highest concentration of hipsters is thought to be in Greenwich Village in New York City, although some Hipster researchers (Hipsearchers) now believe that place is YouTube, where Hipsters are free to roam without being immediately detected and annhilated.

Hipster: The Beatles suck, they're so mainstream, you should listen to Daft Punk and wear some wool sweaters.
Me: Fucking die.

by The real rj December 11, 2013

jon hamm

Jon Hamm is an American actor known for his role of Don Draper on the hit series Mad Men. Jon Hamm is also a term of reference for a man with a large penis.

Me: Did you hear Jon Hamm won an Oscar?
Guy: Yeah, Jon Hamm is such a good actor, Mad Men is the best!

Penal use:
Chick: I thought he was going to have a Jon Hamm but actually he had a Non Hamm.
Friend: That's so dissapointing. I love Jon Hamms.

by The real rj December 10, 2013

67👍 347👎


A term used to describe a person, typically a man, that checks off every American standard. Good looking. Masculine. Tall. White? Probably.

"Wow, did you see that Mustang-driving blonde man? He was so manly."

"Yeah, so All-American."

by The real rj May 4, 2021

27👍 19👎