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A Polish food. Pierogis are made out of dough rolled into a small circle with the type of thing you want inside, for example: fruit or meat and mushroooms. Anything. The most common type of pierogis are russian pierogis which are pierogis with mashed potato, cheese and pepper (as in the seasoning, not the vegetable).

Brooo, my mom made me pierogis with strawberries. They were the best thing i've eaten in a long time.

by The urban bruh December 18, 2021

5👍 1👎

Angry one-eyed pirate

When a man tricks a woman while having sex, saying: "i'm cumming!" then spits on her back. As the woman looks at the man surprised that the man ejaculated on her back, the man cums on her eye, after which he breaks her leg by kicking her shin.

Dude, i gave my ex the angry one-eyed pirate last week. I honestly don't even regret it, because she instantly became lesbian after that.

by The urban bruh December 19, 2021


A cool guy who likes discord, playing games on his PC and eating McDonald's. (Also friend of Sup_duckers)

Oh, look! It's Wajsn!! Maybe you should ask him to play some terraria together!

by The urban bruh December 19, 2021