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Verb: the act of using ones nose to sexually penetrate a vagina or butthole

(Scrunch your nose to increase stimulation)

"That girls asshole smelled horrible when I nosed her the other night, but today it smelled great!"

"Holy shit! You're amazing at nosing. nose me more baby!"

by TheWeekndsk8 January 16, 2017

6👍 4👎


The act of coughing and queefing simultaneously. Usually occurs after sex. Some girls can do this on command. They're the real keepers.

Guy: was that a cough or a queef
Girl: it was a qough

Yo my man I fucked my girl while she was sick last night and she qoughed all over me

by TheWeekndsk8 January 16, 2017

The Fred Flinstone

A finishing move performed by a male. When he cums, he yells at the top of his lungs "yaba daba doooooo" and cums on his partner. The louder the better.

*guy pumps very hard*
"I'm about to... yaba daba dooooooo!!!!"

"Did you just use the Fred flinstone on me?"

by TheWeekndsk8 January 16, 2017

2👍 1👎