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A name or nickname usually given to white rednecks. You can find Bubba at the junk yard working on an old Chevy pickup or hanging out at the honkey tonk.

“Hey Bubba, I ever tell you what me and my cousin did?”

by The_semi stoner September 13, 2023


Besides the obvious definition, it also means to throw something away. Such as an illegal drug or drug paraphernalia.

Guy 1: shit man the fuzz is coming crotch the weed
Guy 2: alright I threw it in the ditch

by The_semi stoner March 10, 2022

4👍 5👎

In Space

That moment when Pink Floyd sends you to Neptune. It’s the part of the high where everything goes still and you feel like you’re floating. It is a must have experience for any stoner.

Guy 1: Dude I was listening to astronomy domine and it launched me in space

Guy 2: no fucking way, Floyd all ways takes me to the moon

by The_semi stoner February 12, 2022


When you’re too high to say zooted, you say zonked

“I am soooo fucking zonked rn”

by The_semi stoner February 7, 2022


An old western bar/ gathering place/ sometimes a courthouse/ ect. It was a place where people from all walks of life can gather and have a drink.

Some cowboy: hey partner, let’s go down to the saloon, the drinks are on me!

by The_semi stoner February 17, 2022