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A state of undesirable emotions or feeling out-of-sorts. These feelings may include but are not limited to: sadness, boredom that is unusually difficult to curb, laziness, unworthiness, and an overall feeling of malaise. The reasons for being in a "funk" usually remain unknown by the victim while others may know exactly why they are in a "funk" and just have a difficult time getting rid of it. A funk may last a few hours or up to several weeks at a time.

John: Hey man, you want to go out to the bars tonight and get fucked up??!!!

Mike: No man. I'm not in the mood tonight. I'll probably just watch TV and go to bed.

John: Damn dude, that's the second weekend in a row! Sounds to me like you're in a funk.

by Theodore D. April 21, 2011

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