Source Code

martin luther king

A great civil rights leader who has been honored by having a day that nobody remembers and a street in the ghetto that is very dangerous.

Friend: Yo, guess what I learned about Martin Luther King today!
Ignant Nigguh: Who dat?

by Theory's apprentice July 3, 2006

650πŸ‘ 447πŸ‘Ž


Buttsmut is anal porn.

I have a fetish for buttsmut.

by Theory's apprentice July 3, 2006

11πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

star wars

I just want to note that all the negative definitions about Star Wars on this site all have a lot more "thumbs down" than "thumbs up," while all the definitions that hold Star Wars in a positive manor have a lot more "thumbs up" than "thumbs down."

Let me explain why this is so.
Star Wars is THE GREATEST series of movies to ever exist. It beautifully combines all the genres of film that exist. The only flaw with the series is that George Lucas has finished the series which means Star Wars is pretty much over and we won't be able to see any more new movies.

Star Wars fucking RULES!!!!

by Theory's apprentice July 3, 2006

223πŸ‘ 105πŸ‘Ž

Snow day

A glorious day that is celebrated by sledding, having snowball fights, and building snow tunnels.

I had a snow day once, it was awesome..............

by Theory's apprentice July 5, 2006

216πŸ‘ 42πŸ‘Ž

Red Sauce

A type of sauce made from tomatoes.

I like red sauce on pasta.

by Theory's apprentice July 1, 2006

29πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

fat head

A funny word that is very under used because it doesn't have any curses or dirty words in it.

Me yelling at my brother: YOU FAT HEAD!!

by Theory's apprentice July 3, 2006

22πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž


A word that is typically used by pussies, women, and Tom Cruise.

Tom Cruise talking to the guy who just squirted water in his face: You're...you're a jerk.

by Theory's apprentice July 3, 2006

46πŸ‘ 62πŸ‘Ž