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A trip the one would take if he or she weren't an all year addict.

My mumzys bestie came down to party with us on her last drugcation.

by There all gonna laugh at u May 20, 2022


Purposely doing something with the Intentions of personal pleasure or gain but receiving negative feed back and flip flopping into an accident excuse!

Logan sent suggestive messages in hope of Recieving a “HAPPY ENDING” ending in rejection and causing him to blame his actions on being an accident. Ie (purposely+Accident)=purpcidant

by There all gonna laugh at u April 2, 2020

Meat twinkie

Meat wrapped in bread, hypersexuals way of saying corn dog.

When we were at the ball game , we were beat with meat twinkies.

by There all gonna laugh at u April 2, 2020


Rather large and or wide set vagina! Extremely blown out and having no spikes.

Hunter was described by the homeboys as cavernous.

by There all gonna laugh at u March 27, 2020

10👍 4👎