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right shift

the right shift button is probably one of the least used buttons on the keyboard, people usually use the left shift cuz its easier to access.

Friend: Am I the only person who actually uses the right shift?

Me: of course you are.

by ThunderTheFurry November 25, 2020

your thoughts dwell on your mother

a line from star wars, said by Ki-Adi Mundi, should be edited so it becomes an actual funny meme

Mundi: "your thoughts dwell on your mother"

Anakin: "My thoughts dwell on your mother"

Yoda and Windu: "oooooh"

by ThunderTheFurry September 2, 2021


the thing furries use whenever someone calls them cute or when someone needs a slapping

Person: ur cute lol

furry: ÒwÓ

by ThunderTheFurry February 11, 2021

Bush shoeing incident

the Bush shoeing incident is an "incident" where some guy threw 2 shoes at President George W. Bush and then Bush dodges both of them while the Arab prime ministry (The guy next to him) tries to parry the second shoe.

Person: the Bush shoeing incident is fucking hilarious!

Person 2: I know right!

by ThunderTheFurry December 2, 2020

6👍 1👎

Shalashaska Shinkawa

The name of a random person, it literally sounds like a spell from Harry Potter.

Shalashaska Shinkawa: Who the fuck are any of these people.

Guy: Who the fuck are YOU? I tried to say your name out loud and my furniture started floating

by ThunderTheFurry October 28, 2020

21👍 2👎


the name of a song, the said song is usually used in a "holy" way, it is obviously a huge meme

Dori me
Interimo, adapare
Dori me
Ameno Ameno
Dori me
Omenare imperavi ameno
Dimere, dimere matiro
Omenare imperavi emulari, ameno
Omenare imperavi emulari, ameno

by ThunderTheFurry October 28, 2020

13👍 1👎


a 3d shooting game where you can also build to block shots. Is honestly a fun game but sadly because of its terrible community and the fact that it "killed" Minecraft, it gets a lot of hate. Fortnite lowkey saved Minecraft by dragging the toxic 12-year-olds out of Minecraft.

Person: Bro Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 5 is out!

Person 2: Bro I don't even fucking play Fortnite so shut up

by ThunderTheFurry December 2, 2020