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Nesha is a girl, well that’s a nice way of putting it. She is pure evil and is bound to break your trust or be a stupid bitch and go behind your back. She’s a typical mean girl but so much worse...

Nesha: get in loser, we’re going shopping
Girl: wait really? That’s like so dope!

Nesha: haha! Omg Chloe this stupid loser actually thinks I would let her sit in my car!
Chloe: omg like what even?!

by Tiffany bra November 23, 2019

8👍 20👎


The hottest rabbit lady you will ever meet! Super smart and funny and cool and awesome and loving and nice pretty and dope and lit and fit and did I mention cool? Anyway she is literally the coolest person on earth, you’d be lucky to have an aela in your life, but be warned... she is a total BADASS and you can easily get on her nerves.

Boy: damn! That new girl is hawt
Friend: yeah I heard her name is aela, she must be like the dopest person on earth bra

Girl: OMG! Aela just invited me to her party
Girls friend: really? Omg that’s like so cool she is like so like dope am I righte?

by Tiffany bra November 18, 2019

32👍 2👎