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1) To get hit by something and go flying at very high speeds.

2) To get hit by something

I'll punt him into a wall if I ever see him again.

by Time & Relevant Queef in Space December 18, 2018

155👍 24👎

One shot ted

Originating from a forum post on Bungie.net, where someone made a post about being "One shotted by a 295". One can assume autocorrect changed "One shotted" to "One Shot Ted". This has become a meme in the Destiny community.

"One Shot Ted started the game at Level 40, back when the cap was 20."

by Time & Relevant Queef in Space April 29, 2016

2👍 1👎


A transphobic and homophobic slur created by straight men who repress their lust for female passing people with biologically male genitals.

"Dude they're a trap.. they're not really a woman!"

"Fuck you, Jeremy."

by Time & Relevant Queef in Space February 3, 2019

4👍 7👎