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Musical dejavu

when you are listening to your ipod or mp3 player to a song and you realize the same song is playing in the background at the same time (or very close to)

kid 1:dude i was just listening to eye of the tiger on my ipod at the gym and the same song came on in the background! i thought they only played shitty music at the gym
kid 2: holy shit you just had a musical dejavu
kid 1: jesus christ!!!!!

by Timothy Flinsmass March 6, 2009

5πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

flake master flex

The supreme ruler in the art of the flake- frequently commits to attendance of an event or activity, but disappears without a trace as soon as you ask where they are.

Person 1: Where's Gonzo man? He said he was coming.

2: you mean flake master flex? He's not coming lol.

by Timothy Flinsmass February 11, 2018

Skipper's remorse

The period of time after you decide to cut class that you feel guilty and ashamed of yourself. Usually lasts 2-4 hours tops.

Billy: Dude I was up until 5 am last night there was no way i was making it to that 8 am this morning. I woke up with skipper's remorse though cause I don't really know whats going on in that class.

Timmy: Yeah you missed the midterm today, lol


by Timothy Flinsmass September 19, 2011


Synonymous to Γ’Β€ΒœbullshitҀ on all accounts.

Man: *sends tinder match a message*
Girl: *unmatches*
Man: thatҀ™s a pile of meat

Bank: weҀ™ve liquidated all of your accounts to pay down your debts before we repossess your car and house

Guy: classic meat

by Timothy Flinsmass August 24, 2022


Arguably the most under-rated metal band out there. They gained popularity with the song's appearance of "The Way it Ends" in Guitar Hero 3. A great band with a promising future.

kid 1-Jesus the song "the way it ends" in guitar hero is fuckin hard!

kid 2- Fuck that. prototype rocks.

by Timothy Flinsmass May 15, 2009

20πŸ‘ 39πŸ‘Ž


The description for any desirable situation.

Abbreviation of "Goldmine"

Random idiot: Holy fuck dude I just woke up and found out my professor is dead so I don't have to write that paper anymore

The kid: That's a G-mine

by Timothy Flinsmass September 19, 2010

16πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Changin' the Oil

The act of masturbation

Drew: Jesus fuck I'm bored
Mikey: Me too
Drew: *Exits room and locks self in room*
Mikey: The fuck are you doing in there?
Drew: Changin' the oil
Mikey: that reminds me, i haven't had an oil change in almost 24 hours.

by Timothy Flinsmass February 28, 2010

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