Source Code

Temporarily Out Of Tomatoes

A comment that one leaves on something on the internet to suggest disapproval.

Essentially, it is booing, without having any tomatoes to throw.

Can be abbreviated as TOT or T.O.T.

Make that video sucked ass. "Temporarily Out of Tomatoes"

by Tommy Vancouver August 25, 2009

73πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

VP Crew

1) The group of people who support the band "The Vancouver Project." They, generally, wear either a black hoodie or track jacket with the words "VP Crew" in the upper corner and military caps that match.

2) A group of gamers on X-Box Live. They play Halo 3 primarily, but have been known to be found on Left 4 Dead. They can be recognized through their gamer motto simply saying "VP Crew" however, in games of Halo 3, they are marked with a bear claw inside a circle.

1) Yeah dude, the kids in the VP Crew are really dedicated to that band. It's actually pretty impressive.

2) Dude, the kids who play in the VP Crew are such assholes. I'm pretty sure the one kid told me he had sex with my dad.

by Tommy Vancouver August 24, 2009

77πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


it's what British people call ass.

it's totally lame, and it's how you can tell that somebody is a tea drinking little bitch

Guy 1: You silly arse
Guy 2: Did you just call me an arse? What a fag

by Tommy Vancouver September 21, 2009

54πŸ‘ 72πŸ‘Ž

grizzly status

the highest level of bad ass you can achieve. it is damn near, but not completely, impossible to gain the status of the grizzly

Yo man, fuck Baller Status. Grizzly status all the way.

by Tommy Vancouver August 22, 2009

83πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


That thing your girlfriend gets so you can't play video games while she's at your house

God dammit. My girlfriend got her period and now I can't play on X-Box Live

by Tommy Vancouver August 22, 2009

147πŸ‘ 83πŸ‘Ž



meaning that you had sex with her

Guy 1: I got Honor. Did you get Honor?

Guy 2: Yo, we all got Honor, cause she's easy

by Tommy Vancouver September 15, 2009

117πŸ‘ 146πŸ‘Ž

Switchblade and Thunder

Pretty much the deadliest alcoholic beverage you could ever intake.

All you have to do is take two things that taste bad, mix them, and drink.

It's a quick way to get drunk.

You guys are all so hammered already. I guess I'm gonna have to Switchblade and Thunder this bitch.

by Tommy Vancouver August 24, 2009

78πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž