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Shorter version of the term “Online Dater”. They can be found in variety types of games.

Stranger 1: Hey there, cutie. ;)
Stranger 2: Um...hi?
Stranger 1: Wanna go on a d8?

Stranger 2: Bitch, I don’t know who the hell you are.
Stranger 1: You don’t need to know.

Stranger 2: I can be like 30 and you can be like 5, you fucking retard. Plus, you can’t be an ODer.
Stranger 1: But it’s for fun.
Stranger 2: “Fun”
FBI: Did I hear the word fun from an ODer. Fuck that. Come here, you D I S G U S T A N G ODer.

by Totally Justin Bieber June 8, 2018

25👍 3👎

No u

An overused roast for someone who cannot think of anything faster enough than the speed of light.

Stranger 1: Lol!!!! You suck at ROBLOX u noob!!! Boi ur hair line so dum ecks deee XDDDDD
Stranger 2: no u

by Totally Justin Bieber June 8, 2018

1👍 1👎