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Probably the biggest bandwagon team in the entire NBA. About half the fans were Bulls fans in the 90's, Lakers fans in the Early 00's, and Nets and Spurs fans. Another half is unloyal Knick fans who got sick of the Knicks losing so they went for the next local team that was actually winning. Then there is the small percentage that stayed loyal to them.

The New Jersey Nets are the New England Patriots of the NBA....minus the world championships.

by Tril Nole May 13, 2006

220👍 52👎

Charlotte Bobcats

An expansion NBA team that has been in the league since 2004. It has had an impressive 2005-2006 season considering that their star player, Emaka Okafor, was injured most of the year. They have a very low pay roll, and pretty good talent and they will establish a playoff-esque team in possible 2 to 4 seasons.

The Charlotte Bobcats have the lowest payroll in the league and some impressive players.

by Tril Nole May 5, 2006

80👍 41👎