Source Code

penis girl

a girl with who has a penis instead of a vagina

you should check with some friends to make sure your not dating a penis girl

by Tyler S May 11, 2005

55👍 58👎

vagina boobs

a girl who has two lumps to the side of her vagina that look likes boobs

Matt: Did you see Audrey's Vagina Boobs?
Steve: Ya I poked on of them

by Tyler S May 11, 2005

104👍 186👎


How internet "thugs" spell their i's...

It can be accompanied by 3's for E's and they usually always type with CAPS LOCK on.

Internet Thug - "OMG Dii$ $HiiT B3 CRAZY!!
Me - Why the fuck do you waste your time typing like that?

by Tyler S September 9, 2006

198👍 122👎