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A douche bag/douche that is so full of shit, they are just like a cammode... they are an uber douche of all douches....

OMG Steve is such a douchecammode, he is always messing with people and talking shit.

by Udiealot81 September 4, 2014

5👍 1👎


Lube used when getting busy, any lube will do

Hey baby I got some busyglide let's get to work.

by Udiealot81 November 22, 2015


A stupie is much like a selfie, except a stupie is a random picture of anything you want it to be. Then shared on a social media site.

Omg let's take a stupie of this floor and post to Facebook.

by Udiealot81 August 30, 2014

8👍 17👎