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A word used to describe a situation, person, or event that is bad, lame, or uncool.

"Did you go to that party?"
"Yeah it was beat"

"Hey dude I'm sorry I can't make it tonight I have dinner with my girl"

"How was the girl"
"She's beat"

by Ugly dirtbag May 26, 2021

25πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Down Bad

When somebody is desperately horny.

Normally used to describe the state of someone after witnessing a desperate action.

"Man did you see Brad? He just walked up to like three girls and got rejected by all of them."
"Yeah, he's down bad."

by Ugly dirtbag May 28, 2021

43πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


Word used to describe someone who had their growth spurt in middle school and was the tallest, only to become one of the shortest people in Highschool. Squares overcompensate for their rapid decline in height rankings by going through a gym phase, bulking up and hence looking like squares.

"Hey do you know what happened to Christian?"
"He hasn't grown since 6th grade, he gyms now."
"Ah I remember, he was the tallest guy in our grade back then. What a square"

by Ugly dirtbag May 26, 2021

12πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Down Horrendous

Down horrendous is an even worse version of down bad, a term typically used to describe someone who is desperately horny. Down horrendous should only be used when down bad cannot accurately describe how desperate somebody is.

"I just jerked off to the thought of her man."
"Holy crap, you're down horrendous."

by Ugly dirtbag May 28, 2021

38πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Down Multi-Dimensionally

One must ascend to a godlike state of mind to even comprehend what being down multi-dimensionally is like. Until humanity is able to transcend and blink between parallel realities, witness time as a construct, being down multi-dimensionally can only be reduced to a form of horniness that is so desperate that one is willing to travel between different dimensions and realities to find anything to copulate with.

If we are ever fortunate or (unfortunate) enough to ever witness an instance of being down multi-dimensionally, it will be a level of low too mind-blowing to comprehend or explain. The average human would surely descend into madness upon witnessing someone being down multi-dimensionally, or become enlightened.

A category 5 down bad, not to be confused with category 2 down horrendous, category 3 down cataclysmic, or category 4 down universally.

"Did you hear about what happened to Timmy four years ago?"
"Yeah, didn't he claim to witness someone being down multi-dimensionally?"
"Yeah. He's been staring at that wall ever since."

by Ugly dirtbag May 28, 2021

Diminishing Returns

When somebody farts multiple times in one instance, with each fart getting smaller and quieter. Can be anywhere between 3-6 farts. If someone farts more than 6 times in one instance, they need medical assistance, not the Urban Dictionary.

"PPFFFTTT PFFTT Pffftt pfffft pfft pft."
"Damn Daniel, those were some diminishing returns if I've ever heard one."

by Ugly dirtbag May 28, 2021

9πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Down Cataclysmic

A category 3 level of being down bad, being down cataclysmic can only be used to describe someone willing to go so low that one would have to otherwise be insane to commit such acts. Down Cataclysmic is so bad that one does not even need to respond with a sentence, they can just say "Down cataclysmic".

Similar to down horrendous and down bad, but much much worse.

"I took an 8 hour plane ride and $140 dollar Uber to see her, but she was busy that day, so I jerked off to her Bitmoji in the public bathroom and then went home."
"Down Cataclysmic.

by Ugly dirtbag May 28, 2021