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A phase that a nerdy, innocent, or shy girl will go through in highschool or college where they suddenly become more attractive through puberty, knowing how to apply makeup, learning how to dress, or present themselves better, and subsequently attract the attention of many previously uninterested guys.

Girls who enter metamorehoes-sis tend to fall victim to enjoying the newfound attention, and will play with all of the guys without getting with any of them. The word for this type of girl is called a Tugger.

Metamorehoes-sis girls will oftentimes embrace their shy innocent personality, and while they might not be aware of or intentionally be leading so many guys on, other girls will definitely be gossiping about how they put up an 'innocent front' while wanting the male attention. Whether this is true varies on a case by case basis.

"Yo, Ashley is hot now."
"Yup. She entered Metamorehoes-sis. She asked me to wait for the bus with her lol. No way I'm falling for that."
"Good for you man, apparently Jonathan has been carrying her bags for her recently."

by Ugly dirtbag May 28, 2021


The female version of bro, someone who is chill and good friends with you. A way for guys to convey to a girl that she is "one of the boys" without use of "the boys". Often times a girl who all the boys love to chill with but would never date.

Some guys will incorrectly call a girl they are attracted to a Brodette, in order to pretend they are in it just for the friendship.

"You know Bridgette too?"
"Yeah she's super cool. An absolute Brodette."

by Ugly dirtbag May 26, 2021


Word used to describe a seemingly shy or innocent but pretty girl who leads guys on by saying their name quietly: "Jeremyyyyy". Known as tuggers as they will tug the ropes of multiple guys by wanting them to hang out with her or put her high up on their priority. The girl will act coy and cuddly with the guys until the actual boy they are interested in is around. The girl will likely never get with any of these men.

Tuggers can either be manipulative and enjoy the attention of multiple guys, or genuinely be bad at making decisions, unsure of which guy to choose.

A lot of the time, Tuggers are either inexperienced or girls who have recently become pretty during the latter half of highschool or in college, also known as Metamorehoes-sis. Such girls often struggle to balance their sudden popularity amongst guys, and either unintentionally mishandle said male attention, or become addicted to the newfound courting.

Tuggers are often labelled as hoes for playing with so many guys, but do end up getting with very few.

"What did you do yesterday bro?"
"Alexis asked to hangout. So I went over to her's and kept her company while she wrote her essay."
"Damn bro. She is kind of hot but didn't she start hanging out with Thomas recently as well?"
"Fuck really? I didn't know."
"Yeah man I heard like 4 dudes like her now. You gotta watch out she's a real Tugger."

by Ugly dirtbag May 28, 2021

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