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An amazing lad who is good at everything. Sport u name it. Oh, yea he is also good at school work but he still hates it. If you got a Johann You are a pretty lucky person because he will protect you from all the Jesse's and Josh's. He also will be rich in the future and ban James Charles.

Wow, who's that kid there that just scored 10 goals, What a Johann.
Who's that guy who just kicked Aidan's ass, Must be Johann.
I did a Johann Today, 100% without studying.
Man I wish I could have 12 girls, I'm gonna change my name to Johann
#Johann4life #YoJohann #Yohann #change_name_to_Johann

by Uncle joshy June 21, 2019

260👍 31👎


1. Something only smart kids know and no one else can understand and just copy of the smart kid.
2. Something that will be banned if I become president. Vote 1Trump' 'Dog
3. Code when in a maths class for meth
4. The test that you give the smart kids name on your own and claim his test

Girl: Have you got the extra math
Teacher: Yes have double homework

Trump: I have finally executed all Mexican Maths teachers

by Uncle joshy June 24, 2019

33👍 7👎