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Mimican pussy

ome-one who copies you in everything you do like copies your dress sense(fashion) your sense of humour(Steals your jokes) Steals your pick up lines and one worders,Then they act like they didn't copy you or steal your style and personality but to you and others it is so obvious
"Look at her she's such a copycat she copied that word of me that was my word then she is going around saying it all the time & acting like she was the one made it up she's taking the credit for my word that friggin copycat"

"What a mimican pussy!"
"She stole my joke that stupid mimican pussy!"

by Under The Real Hood September 17, 2018


The power of improvement

Person 1: How did I get so good at soccer in 2 weeks?
Person 2: Majic with a j ;)

by Under The Real Hood November 27, 2018

3👍 3👎