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generationally consistent religious identity

Aka. G.C.R.I. or just generational consistency, When the religious beliefs of an individual match their parents, guardians, and or grandparent’s religious beliefs. The more generations from the same family who have the same beliefs, the stronger the generational consistency is.

Lynda: Hi. I’m Lynda. I noticed you are new to this temple, so I figured I would introduce myself.
Jordan: I’m Jordan. I just moved here from Detroit, Michigan. So how long have you been involved in this temple?
Lynda: I have been involved in this faith my whole life. I have generationally consistent religious identity. Four different generations of my family, previous to mine, have gone to this temple.

Jordan: That is a long line religious devotion in one family. Very impressive.
Lynda: Indeed, it is. Thanks.

by Vanguard 1998 March 17, 2021

Weekends are for the pets

Aka. W.A.F.T.P.; A gesture that you should take some time out of your busy week to spend time your pets. You have been at work all week and you have barely spent any time with your pets. As we all know to five to six hours at home, in the late afternoon and evening, when your awake, is not much time; and on weekdays you usually have a lot of other things to take care of long before you can spend some time with your family and pets. If you have time to hang out with a bunch of your male friends to watch sports and drink, which for the record you could do any day of the week, not just Saturdays, then you have time to stay home, spend time with your family, including your pets, and have a good time together. The physical and emotional needs of your pets and your family come first. Even if you are not dating or married, if you have pet, you should be ensuring that their needs are being met adequately, before you go and hang out with your friends; and you should be spending a descent amount of time with your pet so they know that you care about them.

In some random conversation,
Boyfriend: I am going over to Kenny's house to watch football tonight.

Girlfriend: But you have not spent any time with me and Pabu all week. You should stay home and spend some time with us. We could a movie together.
Boyfriend: Sorry, but Saturdays are for the boys.

Girlfriend: Seriously. That is your reason. Sorry, but as far as I'm concerned weekends are for the pets. Please stay with me. You should spend more time with Pabu. He's your dog too.
Boyfriend: Okay. I'll spend the evening with you two then.

by Vanguard 1998 March 23, 2021

being tailed

1: when someone is following you for some reason
2: When a pet dog, cat, or any type of lizard repeatedly hits someone in the face with their tail

I'm being tailed by my dog right now, which is making it difficult to see.

by Vanguard 1998 March 18, 2021

Consulting Detective

Abbreviation CD; A person you hire to investigate a person or organization who is suspected of committing illegal and or unethical acts, or to review a case police were unable to solve that you would like them to solve; or in other words a private investigator or PI

The consulting detective investigated Marcia’s boyfriend and discovered that he was cheating on her with another woman.

by Vanguard 1998 August 25, 2021

Politically woke

When an individual is fully aware of what is happening in the government and society, what various individuals, organizations, businesses, social movements, and political parties’ agendas, beliefs, and actions are on numerous policy issues, as well as understanding how these beliefs and activities can affect them, their family, community, and certain minority groups in society and mobilizing socially, financially, and politically when needed in effort correct actions that are unreasonably discriminatory towards certain groups in the name of social justice. These actions include doing things such as attending protests and marches, signing petitions, calling out people, organizations, and businesses for performing biased actions, etc. It is important to note that people who are politically woke tend to be liberals and generally speaking will only mobilize on issues that are considered to be part of the social justice.

Lexy is aware of what is happening in the government, including what certain political leaders are up to. She has mobilized on many occasions to try to correct social and political wrongs committed by the government, certain celebrities, and organizations. For the most part, she only mobilizes on issues related to gender equality, LGBTQ rights, and racial equality. She considers herself to be politically woke. (The Giphy chosen for this word shows a movement that uses this idea a lot: the Black Lives Matter movement)

by Vanguard 1998 November 12, 2021

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Politically primitive

An adjective used to describe when someone holds political views that tend to be out of date compared to other people’s beliefs

Brian thinks that U.S. should rely more on coal to fulfill its energy needs, even though coal is known to be a major environmental pollutant and can be very hazardous to the miners’ health. Most people support trying to fill more of the U.S. energy needs using renewable energy in order to be more sustainable and reduce our reliance on foreign powers to address our energy based needs. His views on energy use are politically primitive.

by Vanguard 1998 August 24, 2021


When three or more political parties come together to support a particular piece of legislation or policy for the good of the people

Multipartisanship helps promote creativity when people are figuring out to design and implement governmental policies.

by Vanguard 1998 August 1, 2021