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IQR is the acronym for the "honorary" title Industry Qualified Retard: this is a term that applies to certain truly arrogant people who, even when faced with overwhelming facts, know better, claim knowledge or intelegence they could never possess or simply the office/workplace know all who talks down to everyone whilst proving their own inability to perform the job they are being paid to do. One who belittles others to hide their own ignorance. In essence, a total fucktard who depends on others for their existence and to justify their pointless, oxygen sapping lives as they fluster their way through their day, like a seagull having a panic attack. A total cuntbone and a wasted, skanky twat.

Hi Raj, I have seen your resumé. Are you IQR Certified?

by Vengeful Spirit December 1, 2011

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Bad Bacon

Bad Bacon is a term that follows on from the phase "As Fucked As A Piglet", which means, basically that you are on the receiving end of an unholy fucking of extreme proportions and the resulting mess is something you really don't want to get involved in... hence really bad bacon!

"I can't believe it man, I've been fucked like a piglet by them again!" "Fucked like a piglet? That's really Bad Bacon, my friend!!!"

by Vengeful Spirit January 12, 2012

Buffing The Finger

Rather than just "flicking the finger" at someone, Buffing The Finger involves the individual making an all too ostentatious and elaborate show of buffing up or polishing their middle finger finger nail; this in itself should be seen as part of the overall gesture. Given that the gesture itself is elaborate, it would do no harm to embellish the overall presentation of the digit with a quip such as "I made this for you... can you see your face in it?".

I saw she was buffing the finger at me so I polished up my retort...!

by Vengeful Spirit December 9, 2011

Buffing The Finger

Rather than just flipping the finger at someone, buffing the finger is am ostentatious and elaborate gesture of polishing up the middle finger finger as and intro to the offensive gesture itself. The add elan and flair, why not include a quip such as "Can you see your face in that?".

I saw her buffing the finger and quickly polished up my response.

by Vengeful Spirit December 9, 2011

Shit Filter

A shit filter is a virtual function within the brain that allows: a) the individual in question to edit their "internal voice" before they speak, thereby avoiding embarrassing themselves, insulting other or simply looking foolish and b) the shit filter operates to block unpleasant imagery that might be directed at one, which is a blessing to anyone who has a very visual imagination and can "see" a scenario being played out before them, no matter how dreadful it might be.

Example a) I am so lucky that my shit filter worked earlier or I would have said exactly what I though of the bastard. Example b) Say what you like about your sordid relationship with that disgusting retard, I know what he likes but my shit filter is working so I don't have to imagine it.

by Vengeful Spirit December 1, 2011

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Sudden Pancake

The very unfortunate state in which, following a violent sneeze or cough (or, as has happened, both), one loses control of their bowels and, effectively, shits themselves. It may not be much in volume, but it is terrifying in aspect; when one looses themselves... a fart that follows through.

"What happened to Geoff?"
"He sneezed so violently that he made a sudden pancake!"

by Vengeful Spirit June 9, 2012

Rage Monkey

The term Rage Monkey is fairly generic and applies either to a person who is given to sudden fits of anger about almost any subject or someone who simply explodes without any obvious cause; it is not enough that the individual is angry but must exhibit their rage like a violent storm that dispurses as swifty as it arrived. A Rage Monkey may also be inclined to explode intermittently on their favourite pet-hate. Rage Monkeys are usually funny to watch as they transform, unless you are the target of their rage.

All I did was ask if she had a good day and she transformed into a Rage Monkey!

by Vengeful Spirit December 6, 2011

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