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A person whose worth is debatable; they do not detract, per say, from the world's average awesomeness, but they definitely do not contribute. A lamey is known to say boring things- again, not malicious or stupid, but certainly not beneficial or insightful. A lamey is regarded as filler, a space consumer, and should generally be avoided if you wish to have an interesting time. See also: Lamey McLamester.

Lamey 1: i love jennifer aniston!

(enough said)

by Viktor II August 23, 2007

10πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

bowl a strike

to take a shit. see bowling a strike.

after i bowl a strike, i feel as light as air, and i know the rest of the day is going to be a-okay.

by Viktor II August 22, 2007

13πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


One who uses Gmail's in-browser chat program frequently. A Gchatter is likely to be up there on your friend's list with the green ready-to-chat light all day long. Sometimes you wonder if this person does any work at all - but then you see the light turn yellow. But maybe they're just off bowling a strike.

are you a Gchatter? we should kill time together at work gchatting about nothing!

by Viktor II August 22, 2007

7πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


In internet chatting, stands for "be back after i bowl". See also bowling a strike.

Gchatter 1: bbaib
Gchatter 2: best of luck, pal.

by Viktor II August 22, 2007

3πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


To take a shit. See also Bowling a Strike. In general, after Bowling, it is proper to report to your friends how it went using a scale of 0-10, with one decimal spot.

Person 1: what's up?
Person 2: just bowled.
Person 1: yeah? nice! and?
Person 2: 8.3.
Person 1: fuck yeah, man!
Person 2: thanks.

Gchatter 1: gotta bowl.
Gchatter 2: me too.
Gchatter 1: may you bowl a perfect 10.
Gchatter 2: you too!

by Viktor II August 22, 2007

15πŸ‘ 81πŸ‘Ž


a purveyor of unacceptably annoying acts, usually due to sheer incompetence rather than maliciousness; one who is irritating, frustrating, dweebtastic, or otherwise mock-worthy.

it took the guy at the sandwich shop 20 minutes to make my sandwich- what an assmunch. it still tasted good though, but c'mon, 20 minutes? fuck that.

by Viktor II August 23, 2007

118πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž

bowling a strike

Taking a shit and taking it well. Bowling a Strike means you had a really fantastic shit, and it is an occasion to be celebrated among friends, preferably over an Instant Messaging program, while bored at work. See also bowl.

Gchatter 1: hey, i gotta go bowl.
Gchatter 2: good luck!
Gchatter 1: thanks man, i need it after last night's shenanigans.
Gchatter 2: well?
Gchatter 1: i bowled a strike.
Gchatter 2: fantastic news!

Person 1: where were you?
Person 2: bowling a strike.
Person 1: i'm jealous.

by Viktor II August 22, 2007

14πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž