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1. A big place where kids like to go because people stick needles threw their body...and they live!

2. The place where runaways go.

3. The tent with stripes where clowns work.

1. "Hey mommy! I wanna go to the circus and see the guy stick needles threw his brain again!"

"Honey, we just saw it five minutes ago..."


2. John ranaway to the circus at the age of 12. He hated his life and his parents. He started working there as a clown, but he died when one of the radioactive burning logs caught fire to his hair.

3. This is the tent where the clowns live. They have awesome huge red noses and puffy hair, kinda like Ben Wallace. They can make you dog balloons. Go Clowns!

by Vinchenzo Livingstondonsonski March 2, 2005

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