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What all of the FIFA soccer players get to drink after they get carted off the field on a stretcher for a hang nail. After they wipe their tears away, they'll enter the game in tip top shape on the very next play. Thanks to their capri-sun.

capri-sun is the official sponsor drink for pansies around the world.

by Walter Johnston August 2, 2006

53👍 28👎

banana buttplug

Noun-1. A vile insult given from a boy to a gril typically said as a rebuttal comeback to initial slander, or behavior that has really pissed the boy off.

Noun-2. A sextoy for poor homosexuals.

"Did you see the 2 crackheads in the alley using a banana buttplug, and the guy didn't even give him the courtesy of a reach around?"

by Walter Johnston August 2, 2006

4👍 12👎