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Joel Osteen

The happiest man alive in Texas. He is a Christian pastor that often says "You are a child of the most-high God". Has a creepy smile.

Joel Osteen: "-and this child had severe autism, just like me!"
*Creepy smile intensifies*

by Weaponized Dank Ootism September 23, 2019

16πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

Infinity Boner

The weapon the Avengers fortunately did not encounter. Is currently attached to Thanos. On discharge, the initial blast radius would have wiped out Wakanda instantly. The shockwave would cave in entire mountains, start tsunamis, while billions of baby Thanoses would begin landing all over the place.

Captain America: You want this, Grape? You want my pole in you!?

Thanos: Then let's do a cockfight. Let's see how it matches with The Infinity Boner!

by Weaponized Dank Ootism March 29, 2019

4πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Biden Derangement Syndrome

Old Joe living rent free in your head

*A car hits a sign because the driver sucks at turning*
Driver: "This must be Biden's fault!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Spectator: "Damn son that is some extreme Biden Derangement Syndrome you got."

by Weaponized Dank Ootism July 2, 2022

33πŸ‘ 6862πŸ‘Ž


A retard that believes that humans can function without law, despite the fact that throughout history, humans always followed one leader or at least a system of government.

Anarchist: Anarchy forever!
Normal Joe: You do realize you have a higher chance of poverty and/or death, right?

by Weaponized Dank Ootism June 1, 2019

3πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


Lit. translation (Dutch): "Guys from Hell"/"Men from Hell"
A mutated subspecies of humans that live in the Alpha Centauri system, primarily on the planet Helghan. Due to its highly inhospitable conditions, the Helghast have adapted, becoming physically stronger and wearing gas masks nearly all the time.

The Helghast are the main antagonists of the sci-fi FPS Killzone, though the lore of Killzone and the events throughout the series paints a far different picture.

Some Vektan guy: The Helghast are evil!

Helghast: Oh, so my people and I are evil simply because we:
Resisted an attempt to conquer a law-abiding nation and people,
Were exiled to a terrible planet that killed millions through starvation and hardship,
Having our main planet unlawfully taken away from us,
Racially discriminating us as mutant freaks,
And of course, claiming that our leaders are tyrants when we freely support said "tyrants" and when they actually do something good for our people and nation.

by Weaponized Dank Ootism December 13, 2020

Thoughts and Prayers

Basically the kind way of saying "I don't give a flying fuck"

Random tragedy happens

Random Guy: "Thoughts and Prayers for so-and-so."
Same Random Guy: "Eh, what was it about? Nah, who cares?"

by Weaponized Dank Ootism October 12, 2020

55πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž


A hardcore Russian jingoist, usually displaying severe chauvinism for the Putin administration.

Vatnik: "Crimea is part of Russia! Down with Ukraine and those American imperialists!"

A Russian guy with a brain: "Okay Vatnik."

by Weaponized Dank Ootism July 31, 2020

232πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž