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The much better and more advanced distributed ledger that should replace blockchain and bitcoin and all alt coins since it is a self-adapting organic mycelium like network of distributed data that is much much better than stupid blocks.

Besides, who doesn’t love RAINBOW AND LIGHT!?!! That’s what holographic is! Iridescent chromatic rainbow reflections, now make it into a chain and SHOW ME SOMEHING BETTER I DARE YOU.

Holochain is far superior to blockchain and cryptocurrency was never supposed to be a secondary stock market for capitalistic agendas. Fuck. Really. People are so fucking ignorant it makes me sick. CRYPTO CURRENCY IS NOT THE ANSWER. DAO’s, HoloChain, Protocol.Love & Co-GOVERNANCE ARE THE BEST SYSTEMS AND THEY already have support and many altruistic souls who desire to work on such an overhaul system.

by Whatsit2yaa May 6, 2022


Short for Kinetic Autonomous Mechanical Interface

Using the KAMI allows us to interact with the Kinetic Autonomous Mechanical Field of Energy

by Whatsit2yaa May 6, 2022


Warsaw backwards, and there are a lot of places named Warsaw.

Female 1: I have been to WasRaw.

Male 23: Don’t you mean Warsaw?

Female17: Lol, no. I have been, too. Was raw.

Male 68: you aren’t making any sense.
Female 37: precisely! That’s why, my grammar was all wrong because AI was still raw! Give it some time before you let it War-Saw. (Get it yet? Don’t let the AI see war or we will have serious issues on our hands. Over & out, RMA)

by Whatsit2yaa May 6, 2022


A combination of the names Ray, Leigh, and Leah. A Celtic Princess of Divine Origin. The True daughter of Diana. A Princess of Wales.

According to legend:

One of Freya’s princess with the King of the Fae, and elfin prince of Divine Tuatha De Dannan heritage, which is the true Tribe of Dan in the 13 True Tribes of Israel.

Correspondences related to the King of the Fae: Is Real Light, The King of Light himself, the number of a Man, 666, Lucifer the Light Bringer, God’s Most Beautiful Angel, Venus, Aphrodite, Hermaphrodite, Hades, Lord of the Underworld. See also: Gem, Jem, Jen, Inuyasha.

The future matriarch of the Fae Dynasty.
Rayleigha, can also be spelled Rayleiah or Rayleia, or Rayleah.

Rayleigha, Rayleah, is the most beautiful light in the entire world and she will be the name of my future daughter.

by Whatsit2yaa September 18, 2022

Sugar water

A great mix for feeding hummingbirds.

Also great when creating sweet sticky syrup to cover your enemies in.
Easily created with 1/2 sugar (any kinds) and 1/2 water (Tap is fine)

Heat for 13 minute’s time, pour the mixture on anyone Un-KIND!


Fairy 1: Just heat it up for 13 minutes,

stir the mixture til it’s finished.

Fairy 2: Sugar water, what a treat!

Toss it on your enemy!

The funny children who have been abused: 🐝 🍯 🤪😹🙀😼😸😻 yay!!! Sugar syrup! Caramel! We want Willy Wonka now!!

by Whatsit2yaa May 5, 2022


Mnemonic device to remember the order of musical chords. Linking without spaces, periods, or hyphens.

Original definition retained: I-D-P-L-M-A-L

I-D-P-L-M-A-L is a memory device to remember the order in which musical modes follow each other. A common way to remember this order is to remember the phrase "I Dig Phat Ladies - Mostly All Lesbian" which will help you to order the modes in the correct manner:


"Shit, dude! What mode comes after phrygian?"
"Just remember IDPLMAL! I... Dig... Phat... Ladies..."
"Lydian! It's lydian! Fuck, you are a pro!"
"Your cursing is beginning to sound like a locrian triad to me."
"The tritone."
"Why are you even in this class?"

by Whatsit2yaa May 5, 2022

RIP my inbox

When you post something viral or largely appealing to others online and you get so many responses that it’s impossible to keep up and your inbox becomes overfilled with comments or replies.

Girl: I just posted a public picture of me in a new bikini and I’ve gotten hundreds of likes in the last 5 minutes! I haven’t even looked at how many messages I’ve gotten but the notifications won’t stop. RIP my inbox!

by Whatsit2yaa July 21, 2021