Source Code


Someone who has dedicated their life and "organ" to make people happy, in return for money, but beware of the DISEASES.

Guy 1: Did you hear about the prostitutes that were killed yesterday?

Guy 2: Yeah, it's ashame, all they were doing is making life more enjoyable for those who can't get "none"

by Who The Douce Are You? April 16, 2005

423πŸ‘ 149πŸ‘Ž


My brain, my every ounce of being human

Guy 1: Have you seen my brain?

Guy 2: what? you lost your brain?

Guy 1: yeah, it is green and had buttons on it, oh yeah it say "Texas Instruments" on the front.

Guy 2: dude, that's a calculator


by Who The Douce Are You? April 12, 2005

270πŸ‘ 77πŸ‘Ž

high school

The perfect setting for the 15 buhgillion high school drama. and the only place where a 30 year old actor can play an 18 year old.

Girl: Did you catch "High School Drama" last night.

Guy : no

Girl: well, lindsey was caught sleeping with Jeff, Tiffany's boyfriend and they had this HUGE argument. OMG there is so much drama, the show is the best show ever.

Guy : Why do you need to see what happens everyday renacted on the television?

Girl: Because Jeff is really hot.

Guy : Gesh

by Who The Douce Are You? April 15, 2005

71πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

High Tech High

a place that lies and says they will do one thing and doesn't. Don't be fooled by the name, that is what lures the the victims in. It is a place where the student council has no power, the teachers are all te same (except different accents) and you do something called "Tai Chi", it is dreadful

Kid : Hey look I got a notice from "High Tech High"

Dad: nope your not going

Kid: But Why?

Dad: No kid of mine is going to be labeled a nerd.

by Who The Douce Are You? April 15, 2005

44πŸ‘ 67πŸ‘Ž


doing homework, without all of the work and thinking

Making school a hell of a lot easier

by Who The Douce Are You? April 16, 2005

319πŸ‘ 180πŸ‘Ž

Paris Hilton

a rich person, who is famous for being rich, started the dumbest trend, the "Dog Accessories", she is just like every other young, celebrity, partyer, she is ugly and too skinny, I wouldn't touch her with a 50 foot pole, she is loose and easy

Just like at a hotel, you bring your own sheets and blankets becuase you don't know who was just in there

by Who The Douce Are You? April 16, 2005

202πŸ‘ 82πŸ‘Ž


The only pain in which someone can control, bull, it is a way of self-pity, you feel sorry for yourself so you cut yourself.

Guy 1: What's on your arm?

Guy 2: Happy scars!

Guy 1: Are you cuting yourself again?

Guy 2: Yeah!

Guy 1: But why? your not having hard times or anything, your life is perfect.

Guy 2: I just want to fit in and someone told me if I cut myself I'd be cool.

Guy 1: OMG, stop, I have trouble in my life, that's why i cut myself.

Guy 2: OMG, you need to stop.

Guy 1: AHHHH!

by Who The Douce Are You? April 16, 2005

21πŸ‘ 160πŸ‘Ž