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Up Syndrome

Up Syndrome is when someone with Down Syndrome is high off weed

“Bro is he ok”
“Nah he’s having a bit of Up Syndrome”

by Wild Warren December 13, 2020

Revision Revision Revision

The act in which one shouts “Revision Revision Revision” at someone that isn’t revising for a test

“Dad I’m on the Xbox”-johnny
“No, Revision Revision Revision”

by Wild Warren December 13, 2020

Kiss your life goodbye

A phrase that is said by a small fat ginger on a flying bike when he is about to kill you

“You’re gonna kiss your life goodbye”

by Wild Warren December 13, 2020

4👍 1👎

Hello Asian man

The act when one says hello to an Asian man

“Hello Asian man”-steve

by Wild Warren December 12, 2020

Trims Truth

When you speak the Trims Truth everything you say is true not matter what science says

“I only speak the Trims Truth my friend”

by Wild Warren December 13, 2020

Grinding God

A name giving to someone that plays a certain game a lot and makes big cash, the name has only been given to one human so far

“What are you”-Dave

“I am the grinding god”-john

by Wild Warren December 13, 2020

Grinding God

A name giving to someone that plays a certain game a lot and makes big cash, the name has only been given to one human so far

“What are you”-Dave

“I am the grinding god”-john

by Wild Warren December 13, 2020