Source Code

cop a feal

when a guy tries to feel up a woman's breasts without asking.

"Yo man, last night, I hooked up with this girl, and I went to cop a feal, and she was lovin' it!"

by Will Rosenberg March 6, 2008

8👍 80👎

bake on the side

to make fun of. Jone.

"Nigga you can't just roll up and start to bake on the side!"

by Will Rosenberg March 6, 2008

4👍 20👎


to chill (relax or hangout) like a straight up G would.

Tyrell:(talking on his cell phone): Yo main what u be doin?

D'Andre: Nigga i be chullin at my crib.

by Will Rosenberg July 11, 2008

6👍 27👎


A person who gets or is crunk as shit. Usually said directly to a person.

"This shit's fo' real crunkenstein!"

"Yo, you was so high last night, fuckin' crunkenstien!"

by Will Rosenberg March 6, 2008

10👍 26👎