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An internet addiction centered on narcissism and giving an illusionary sense of solipsism

"He's only got time for MyFace these days"

"Anything new happened on YourFace?"

by Words Wired Weird February 4, 2008

19πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


1. A person who displays their emotions and inclinations clearly on their face

2. A person who spends most of their time in the company of books

1. "Don't tell me you liked those socks, I can read your bookface"

2. "She is turning into such a bookface - can't you convince her to join facebook?"

by Words Wired Weird February 4, 2008

10πŸ‘ 102πŸ‘Ž


A word that sounds funny.

Person A: "Jam!"

Person B: "Ah ha ha ha ha"

by Words Wired Weird February 4, 2008

14πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž


A person who wears make-up to the gym

"Hey, see that sweatcake over there? She looks like she's just come from the zombie studio and onto a treadmill"

by Words Wired Weird February 4, 2008

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


A feeling of lostness and sadness that occurs during times of freedom on the internet when the world's most powerful search engine is before you, but you do not have the incentive or motivation or curiosity to look up anything interesting.

"I sat in front of the screen for about 10 minutes, completely google-eyed"

by Words Wired Weird February 4, 2008

13πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž


A remark of approval following an elaborate act of speech (i.e. trumps 'word!', but is less dramatic than 'Paragraph!')

Person A - "The hypocrisy of this system so often gets me down, hegemonic brutality gives me creases in my brow"

Person B - "Sentence!"

by Words Wired Weird February 4, 2008

7πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


Written or spoken with the intent to confuse, to serve the purposes of the writer or speaker (Most commonly, to seem more knowledgeable) and appropriately baffle the reader or listener.

Teacher - "The fragility of complex sentences is a constituent of their inter-capricity, further exaceberated by superfluous mechanisms of contra-dialogue and insistence-resistance, multiplied by hyperbole and disenfranchisement of discourse..."

Student - (Whispers) "Why, he's just being confusionistic"

Person A - "Well you see conductor, I had already bought the ticket, but then I submitted an application of referral because, you see, there had been an error in the date processing within the system, which meant it was charged for tomorrow, so the transaction is still waiting to be re-admitted, until which time the assistant manager said no further action should be taken less it upsets the process"

(The conductor walks away, baffled)

Person B - "Very confusionistic! good work!"

by Words Wired Weird February 4, 2008