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The funny way of how to spell LOL

Hey dude are you dead inside

DUDE: uhh yes fml
LUL fuck you

by Wtf is a pseudonym lmfao January 11, 2022


Famous YouTuber DashieGames made up the word DIUGH which means dick, or penis.

Aye yo don't pull out the diugh

by Wtf is a pseudonym lmfao January 11, 2022

5 Dollars

When a dude doesn't give you his five dollars that he owe you

Dude 1: hey uhh you kinda ow me 5 dollars

Dude2: uhh no I don't

Dude1: yes yo bitch ass do

Dude2: ima slap you so fucking hard that you'll fly to another planet
Dude1: ima whoop your ass like real talk rn, when I punch you you'll break the gravitational pull of earth ho

by Wtf is a pseudonym lmfao January 5, 2022