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The name for the things you have after cutting the initial object.

When I cut a piece of bread, I now have cutthings, though those cutthings are just slices of bread.

by Yielding Zone December 15, 2021


The state of something after a paradox has initiated on something or someone.

Pinocchio: “My nose will grow!”
Pinocchio: “Shoot! I am now in a truelie.”

by Yielding Zone December 14, 2021


An abbreviation that means “Nice to meet you” used as a form of greeting to people whom you just met. This abbreviation, however, is not formal English, but rather used casually and informally.

“Hi John! Ntmy!”

by Yielding Zone December 14, 2021


The word you write in your essay to boost vocabulary in replacement of “bad” or “shameful”.

Chewing your food loudly is a scandalous thing to do. You should feel ashamed of yourself.

by Yielding Zone December 15, 2021


The state of a cat stuck in a tree.

The firemen are so sick and tired of cats that are catree. It just keeps happening!

by Yielding Zone December 15, 2021