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Hailey Baldwin

A fake short model with no boobs. Only famous because she was one of Justin Biebers ex-flings. Hailey Baldwin was made because of scooter Braun giving Hailey PROMO. Hailey Rhode Baldwin is now Known as Justin Biebers fiancé.

Is that Hailey Baldwin

by Yo moms a hoe July 30, 2018

657👍 112👎

National pass month

National pass month begins November first, for the whole month you will have every single pass. You can do anything you want all month. From slapping ass to punching a bitch in the face.

Guy*slaps girls ass*

Girl “why the duck did you do that?

Guy “it’s national pass month
Girl “oh ok”

by Yo moms a hoe November 6, 2019

T u d

Touch your dick, something a girl says when she’s turned on or likes you.

Girl: I want to t u d

Boy: okay

by Yo moms a hoe May 15, 2019


It means suck my pussy

Him: smd

Her: no smp

by Yo moms a hoe September 5, 2019