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by You Make Me Feel Like A Man August 9, 2021

3👍 9👎


Suicide is serious, I’m not here to joke either, suicide is when a person feels so awful that they Hide themselves form everyone and feels awful about themselves,

Some people joke about suicide but most people who do actually struggle with it, the highest rate of suicide is by Teenagers, People who left Cults, People who lost a lifetime partner.

1 in 70 people kill themselves Some people OD Overdose others shoot themselves, others slit their wrists,

There is hope though, if you are considering suicide call 1-800-273-8255

I want to commit suicide

I’m sorry, I love you all but I hurt sorry that I didn’t feel good enough to stay sorry that I killed myself, sorry that I committed suicide, love you all

by You Make Me Feel Like A Man March 16, 2020

1098👍 115👎

Watermelon sugar

It’s a song by actress and dragon tails enthusiast Harry styles, he wrote it about the Glucosamine found inside of Citrullus lanatus Also referred to as Watermelon sugar.

Man… I love the sugar inside watermelons… I’m just so glad that watermelon sugar doesn’t mean anything sexaul.

by You Make Me Feel Like A Man August 9, 2021