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A Brittany is someone who will seem extremely sarcastic and badass at first encounter..but underneath all that you'll discover a caring and very sweet individual. The true Brittany is full of humour and wit that will have you smiling non stop, but don't let a Brittany know that she's amazing because she will flat out agree 700% and you will witness firsthand how massive her ego is. Oh, and if you happen to get one to admit that she loves you, that will be the exact moment that you'll be captured for life and you will never be able to return to a life without a Brittany. You're in it for life once she makes that simple yet profound declaration. True story bro. Trust me on this. (Don't be afraid though because Brittany's are very wonderful humans to keep around for your entire existence.) if you have a Brittany in your life, consider yourself a winner. They are a specific species of human and they are absolutely wonderful.

Random person-"Aye bro..did you hear that she's has a friend named Brittany?"
Some other random person-"Yeah dude, she wins at life. I couldn't get her to even look at me."
Random person-"Hey now, don't take defeat, Brittany's tend to be very badass, they are hard to gain attention from."
Some other random person-"Hmm, I understand. Maybe I still have a chance to attain a Brittany in my life!!"

by You like how I describe it. November 6, 2014

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