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A Gym teacher that works at Riverdale Kingsbridge Academy.

She apperently had a threesome with some students and she still has her job SMH. She doesnt take her job seriously like the other teachers in the trash-ass school

Me: "Dont get too close"

You: "why?"

Me: "Do you want to have a threesome with Ms.Memos?"

You: "You right"

by Your Local Rka Treesh November 19, 2019

Triple C

The most Gay day that Ms. O'Mara a.k.a tummy tuck made and has no meaning.

It takes 3 periods

You: Oh shit its Triple C Day

Me: Fuck you Tummy Tuck

by Your Local Rka Treesh November 15, 2019

25πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


A Spanish teacher thats gets annoyed by her students playing a song by Kanye West.

She despises food and drinks in her class but she drinks water. SMH

Works at Riverdale Kingsbridge Academy

*student plays song*


Me: "Oh my FUCK Ms.Abreu, STOP YELLING!!"

by Your Local Rka Treesh November 19, 2019


Another word for Outfit

Comes in

Your Friend: The Fit is Nice

by Your Local Rka Treesh November 13, 2019

185πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž

Ms. Andre

A whole Bitch that barely does her job at Riverdale Kingsbridge Academy and Noticeably has 3 posters together that spells out KKK.

Student: Why is there a symbol of the KKK in this class?

You: oh... its just Ms. Andre's Bitch-Ass Classroom. Lets GTFO

by Your Local Rka Treesh November 13, 2019

30πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


A Math teacher that works in Riverdale Kingsbridge Academy. She can be nice but she always enforces the work of her students.

She can be a bitch.

She call everything plagiarism

Copies the board*

Ms.Garcia: "Did you copy?"

You: "Yes"


You: "God dammit Ms.Garcia"

by Your Local Rka Treesh November 19, 2019

13πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


A Ramona Flowers looking ass ho that changes her hair color every other day. She hates when phone are out but cant live without hers. Her Unicorn fetish is MEGA GAY.

Some dude: who that woman over there screaming?

You: Lets get the fuck out its Ms.Thornhill

by Your Local Rka Treesh November 15, 2019

20πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž