Source Code

Pigeon Crawl

To Pigeon Crawl or go Pigeon Crawling is when you or a group of friends each down a bottle of Nyquil and go jerk off in the bathroom of a Chuck-e-Cheese.

Me and 3 of my dude friends had a pigeon crawl last Wednesday... what a mess.

by Yum--cake balls December 27, 2011

53👍 10👎

Baked Potato

Placing your non-erect cock in between someones butt cheeks.

I sneaked up on Suzannah while she was bending over tying her shoe, and placed my penis down her exposed butt crack and shouted "Baked Potato!"

by Yum--cake balls January 2, 2011

116👍 53👎

Crocodile Death Roll

When partaking in anal sex, the person receiving the package squeezes their asshole really tight and proceeds to do a barrel roll-like motion.

While Gary was ass humping his wife, he accidentally called out Bruce Willis' name, so his wife gave him a Crocodile Death Roll.

by Yum--cake balls March 5, 2011

27👍 2👎

High Frequency

The act of getting a full on erection from the movie "Radio"

Paul had High Frequency when his parents, wife, children and pastor came into the room to have their weekly chili dinner.

by Yum--cake balls February 8, 2011

26👍 13👎

Dead Charlie

When you kick someone so hard in the asshole, they actually shit their pants.

Oh man, that guy just gave me a Dead Charlie. Better go clean up...

by Yum--cake balls January 23, 2011

45👍 1👎