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Something a gutt does that is especially gutty.

The other day, this gutt was gertering all over my lawn.

by a babies goad April 13, 2017

21πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

special unit

An intelligent person who is prone to making extremely stupid/idiotic mistakes.

Bob: What is a spoonerism?
Billy: It is when you have an sneurysm while apooning
Bob: Billy, you would be a special unit if you were intelligent.
Billy: But I am smart! My I.Q is -41
Bob: Why are you so stupid?
Billy: My mom is my sister!
Bob: That explains it.
Billy:My family tree has no branches!
Bob:Shut up.
Billy:I am a special unit!
Bob: If you don't shut up, I will kill you in the face.

by a babies goad April 18, 2017

20πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Stitch Roll

ohana means family

stitch roll

by a babies goad April 20, 2017

12πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


descriptive of a gutt, or a fat cat.

that gutt is so obese and gutty.

by a babies goad April 14, 2017

19πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


To wack someone in the forehead with a spoon. A defense method first developed by the British mafia in the 1990's.

"Today Billy Pilgrim wouldn't stop spooning me at lunch."

by a babies goad April 4, 2017

200πŸ‘ 65πŸ‘Ž


....Or is it Syria? Either way, the cake was to die for

Iran into Trump's wall

by a babies goad April 18, 2017

201πŸ‘ 88πŸ‘Ž

fake news

real, truthful news

NBC: Trump says we are fake news
Trump: you are fake news

by a babies goad May 8, 2017

307πŸ‘ 1005πŸ‘Ž