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Danielle is sweet kind hearted and crazy when she is close to you.She treats everyone equally and loves her family and friends.If you treat her badly she’ll still be nice to you.She is amazing but can be sensitive so be nice>:(

Friend:can someone help me please?
Danielle:Tes sure!ill help don’t worry

by a p p l e s a u c e s May 1, 2020


Andrea is humble and nice towards everyone.She has a sweet laugh and is very talented in art.

Friend 1:Andrea is so talented!!
Friend 2: Yes I agree!!

by a p p l e s a u c e s May 1, 2020


Anya is athletic but dumb.She is awesome to be around with and can sometimes give you free food for no reason.She is always there for you through hard times and she is honestly friend that is hard to separate from.She loves hot guys tho.

Anya:that guy is hottt.i stan.

by a p p l e s a u c e s May 1, 2020

2👍 15👎


Adelle is a skinny legend who loves her beauty and has an annoying voice.She can be really fun to be around but she sucks at comforting people.She can be your bestest friend who is smart but crazy.She is always welcoming to make new friends and sometimes take studies wayyyyy to seriously but it’s great and we all love her.we all need a Adelle.

friend 1:Adelle help
Adelle:you stupid little shit what do you wantttt what happenssss

by a p p l e s a u c e s May 1, 2020

21👍 4👎