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the shack

A location, usually a bedroom where a group of mates hang out. 'The Shack' is characterised by being a complete mess. A night at 'The Shack' generally consists of extensive drinking, smoking and chundering. 'The Shack' provides a relaxed environment for topics such as politics, racial issues and how awful Morrissey is to be discussed at length. Constant visitors of 'The Shack' are said to experience increasing shakiness and unsteadiness. Occasionally the shack's intoxicated host will rinse out some tunes on his flute, much to the members' applause.

dude1: whats happening tonight?
dude2: heading to the shack
dude1: ah! so we are in for a night of chundericious fun then!

by a patron of the shack January 1, 2008

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