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Pronunciation: 'ja-kē'
Function: noun, pronoun, adjective, verb, adverb, conjunction, preposition, it is multi-faceted
Etymology: Originates from deep interior of colorful Puerto Rican rainforests; originally from "Jacqueline" (best pronounced when said by the original J)
Date: Jacqui-ing since 1990
Plural: there is no plural
Variants: Wacky, Wackamama, nena, mijita, Lady Jacqui, Gracey, Crazy mama, J, Michelle
: To have a wacky outlook on life, full of color. Gives life to its surroundings, (if lucky enough to be part of them). Talkative due to extensive bank of experiences, may be prone to extended periods of laughter/sillyness. Yes, all of these seemingly unrelated definitions are contained within this word, such is the nature of this entity.

Individual A: I need to go to lab today, it's Saturday, but I have to work on some stuff
Individual B: Just make sure to pull a Jacqui: work hard on it but make sure you have some fun (and bake some pretty crazy ingredients)
Individual A: We had a great time out last night, hung out with chill people, had good drinks, laughed a lot, felt pretty good..
Individual B: It's obvious your night was pretty Jacqui

by abu samra October 6, 2009

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