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nigga please...

4 black pepole to use instead of whatever

Man 1: Nigga, i got chu

Man 2: np... u ain't bout to do shyt...

by adrian kilpat. July 5, 2009

40👍 52👎

houdini shit

Crazy shit

(doors slams by itself)

Man: O hell no dats some houdini shit

by adrian kilpat. July 5, 2009

8👍 6👎


A very bad odor, usually when a person doesn't shower and/or doesn't put d-eo and/or breath smells like shit

Man1- Wats good girl
Girl- Woooaaahhh!!!! ur breath smells so bad idk if u need gum or toliet paper
Man2- Lmao Nigga she played u
Man1- Nigga STFU
Girl- Nigga u smell like straight up must

by adrian kilpat. July 20, 2009

60👍 38👎



4 black people to use instead of OMG

OSN run that nigga gotta a gun

by adrian kilpat. July 5, 2009

26👍 6👎