Source Code


1. The color black. Usually considered to be the opposite of the color white

Contrary to popular belief the word "black" is not a racist comment or slur.

Those egg's are black cause you burnt them

(idiot human rights activist) "Oh my GOSH you racist bastard!!"

by alpha rioja May 13, 2005

776👍 867👎


1. The color Black.

Contrary to popular belief the word "black" is not a racial comment or slur.

You burnt my toast, and now it is black.

(idiot human rights activist)"Oh my GOSH you racist bastard!!"

by alpha rioja June 2, 2005

70👍 916👎


1. The color black.

Contrary to popular belief the word "black" is not a racial comment or slur.

You burnt my toast black!

(idiot human rights activist) "Oh my GOSH you racist bastard!!"

by alpha rioja May 22, 2005

53👍 665👎


1. The color white.

Contrary to popular belief the word "white" is not a racial comment or slur.

This paper is white!

(idiot human rights activist) "Oh my GOSH you racist bastard!!"

by alpha rioja May 13, 2005

4888👍 1795👎

Xbox 360

1. The Successor to the Xbox

2. The source of consternation to all Nintendo and Sony fanboys who continue to call it a Tampon even though they're 9 years old and have never seen one before.

3. The source of much irritation from Microsoft because they couldn't keep anything about it a secret.

Dark Lord Bill said nothing about releasing those pictures yet!!!

by alpha rioja May 12, 2005

444👍 363👎