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A sexy, Sweet, Beautiful, Gorgeous, Loving girl that is known as the best dancer and a ride or die kind of girl. Its impossible not to love her or want her she irresistible! If she gives you the chance too win her heart defiantly keep it and don't ruin it. Sierra will put up with a lot but one day will get up and leave out of the blue so watch out. If you are left by a Sierra it WILL be the biggest mistake and you WILL realize it. Sierra's are gorgeous inside and out. They have the best body and a great Butt(; Sierra has the greatest advice and the most amazing heart. Sierra is real and most of the time NEVER fake she knows how to stick up for her self and the people she loves. Beware if you don't think she's gorgeous then you'll fall for her personality. If a Sierra is hated its over jealousy.

Ex: damn that girl must be a Sierra she has it all and she's sweet

Ex: Kevin: im tired of all theses fake hoe's and all their games.

Brandon: What you need is a Sierra

by aye get it February 17, 2011

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