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One who withholds a unusually high amount of raw, carnal sex appeal. Usually of Indian heritage, with a large, friendly family. There is also a high chance that a Rahul will play a high intensity sport such as Tennis, Squash or Water Zorbing. He will make you feel like a tiny, petite little teacup when he holds you in his big tanned arms. He is a deep thinker, electric guitar player and a dirty whore for some Radiohead and Susto. His ego is tremendously large, but that’s ok. He will be the corporate big banana one day and swim laps in cash and pussy. One of the best people you’ll ever meet. Look out for them. He’ll also steal your girl so keep her away or admit defeat.

I snogged Rahul yesterday, he’s so saucy.
Oh my god girl, you lucky teacup.

by bapsaurz December 20, 2020

74👍 16👎