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Flat Earther

An utter moron who thinks that the Earth is flat. It is often difficult to sway them into thinking that the Earth is actually round. They often make YouTube videos about their 'proof' that the Earth is flat, which is often debunked by people that know Science.

NOTE: Despite what facts you state, they will refuse to believe you and say 'You've been converted.' or 'NASA is lying to you.'

Person 1: "Hey, look at that guy, he's a flat earther!"
Person 2: "Yeah, what a bafoon."

by barney is a sexy boi July 14, 2020

22👍 3👎


An SCP is an entity or object in the SCP Foundation, usually containing anomalous properties. It stands for Secure, Contain, Protect. When describing an SCP, it can also stand for Special Containment Procedures.

I heard that SCP is extremely dangerous.

by barney is a sexy boi July 14, 2020

9👍 5👎